Permanent makeup

Brows Shading

Classic method. A dense shadow is drawn in the outlined shape. This method is particularly suitable for darker hair and skin types.

Powder Brows

With this method, a powder-like soft shadow is applied in the outlined shape. This method is best for light hair and skin types and for those who desire a soft and natural result.

*If you have your own natural brow hairs, it is recommended not to pluck them before the treatment. For new permanent makeup, up to 1 refill is not included in the price. Refills are typically done 5-8 weeks after the initial treatment.

  • 3590,-

  • Refill after 5-8 weeks 990,-

  • Refill after 3-6 months 1390,-

  • Refill after 12 months 1890,-

  • Refill after 1.5 years 2490,-

  • Refill after 2 years new price 3590,-


Do you want beautiful, defined eyebrows? If so, you've come to the right place! Permanent makeup on the eyebrows provides perfect symmetry and balance. I customize the technique that best suits you and your skin type for a beautiful and natural result.

Hyper-realistic hair brow technique "Nano Brows"

Hyperrealism "Nano Brows"

This is the latest permanent eyebrow makeup technique in the world. This technique perfectly reflects natural hair growth and is characterized by minimalism, resulting in the best and most natural results. With this technique, it is possible to create a completely realistic picture of eyebrow hair. It is suitable for those who have hair, as well as those who have no hair at all, even for those suffering from alopecia.

This amazing technique minimizes skin trauma, does not cause bruising, bleeding, or scarring, which were challenges with microblading procedures. Each individual hair strand is not cut but drawn into the eyebrow using an electrically powered machine consisting of micro tiny needles. Although the final result resembles microblading "Flame Brows," it is less uncomfortable than microblading and causes less "damage" to the skin, with a much smoother healing process.

The "Nano Brows" method is suitable for all skin types and lasts longer than microbladed brows (up to 3 years, depending on skin type).

Flame Brows are perfect for both women and men who want to maintain their individuality but do not want those around them to notice artificial effects.

  • 3900,-

  • Refill after 5-8 weeks 990,-


Over time, we lose pigment and fullness in our lips, and the contour becomes uneven. With the help of permanent makeup, it is possible to restore fullness and color. For a natural result, your own lip color is the starting point for color selection. If you desire a more distinct effect, feel free to bring your favorite lipstick as an example.

Blush tattooing is used to enhance the natural shape, symmetry, and color of the lips. The pigment will be customized for you according to your skin tone or preferences.

Aquarelle technique - the edges are shaded, and shades of different colors blend seamlessly into each other, visually increasing the volume of the lips.

Bright - stylish lipstick effect.

*It is important to ensure that your lips are not dry before the procedure. One week before the appointment, you should moisturize your lips as much as possible. The color will always appear slightly stronger immediately after the treatment but will diminish along with the natural healing process within 3-5 days.

  • 3590,-

  • Refill after 5-8 weeks 990,-

  • Refill after 3-6 months 1390,-

  • Refill after 12 months 1990,-

  • Refill after 1.5 years 2490,-

  • Refill after 2 years new price 3590,-


Sometimes our eyes need a little extra help to stand out and look their best. Permanent eyeliner creates a subtle and natural look - the treatment involves adding pigments along the lash line to mimic thousands of tiny lashes.

Thin eyeliner (lash enhancement)

Thick eyeliner (design liner/wing)

Soft eyeliner (with shadow effect)

  • Eyeliner wing/soft 2990,-

  • Lash line enhancement 2790,-

  • Refill after 5-8 weeks 890,-

  • Refill after 3-6 months 1290,-

  • Refill after 12 months 1890,-

  • Refill after 1.5 years 2390,-

  • Refill after 2 years new price 2990,-"

Tattoo removal

REMOVAL OF PERMANENT MAKEUP is done using a unique pigment extraction method designed to completely remove color pigments from your body. This tool is used in the same way as micropigmentation with the same equipment. During the permanent makeup removal procedure, you can visually see how the color rises to the surface of the skin.

  • 990.-

Avoid taking blood-thinning medication 10 days before the treatment.

Ensure you get enough sleep, eat well, and avoid stress - this will help keep your pain threshold higher.

Please be aware that any contraindications may prevent me from performing the treatment for you, or we may need approval from your doctor.

Before treatment


Noen kontraindikasjoner som krever godkjenning fra lege (f.eks diabetes, epilepsi, hjerte/karsykdommer) og noen kontraindikasjoner som krever at man venter med behandling (f.eks. om man er gravid eller er på kreftbehandling).

Det er best å vente ved åpne sår (kviser, eksem, allergier og andre hudirritasjoner) i tatoveringsområder eller infeksjonssykdommer/høy feber. Ikke bruk alkohol eller andre rusmidler minst 24 timer før behandling. Aldersgrense er 18 år

Prosedyren kan være skadelig eller er ikke lov å gjennomføre på grunn av disse:

  • Menstruasjon

  • Graviditet

  • Herpes zoster (helvetes ild)

  • Herpes eller sår på lepper

  • Dermatitt

  • Arr i stabiliseringsfasen

  • Kjemoterapi

  • Laser terapi, IPL hårfjerning

  • Kjemisk pilling

  • Diabetes

  • Hvis du har risiko for blodpropp eller nyresvikt.

  • Plastikk kirurgi og fillers i stabiliseringsfasen (fra1-6 måneder)

Skulle du ha noen andre ting som ikke er blitt nevnt og du er usikker- ta kontakt! Ellers permanent makeup er fin behandling for de aller fleste fra 18 til 100+ :).